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Vibration and noise levels at the gallery level of the hall were very similar to those at stalls level, suggesting that vibration energy was spread evenly throughout the seating area of the auditorium. It was not possible to detect any vibration above background levels within the roof structure above the auditorium. As expected, vibration levels above the springs were significantly lower than those below, due to the isolation petiorrnance of the springs. It must be noted, however, that the difference between vibration levels above and below the springs can not be considered to be indicative of the spring pefiormance.
This is because the vibration measurements represent the forced response of parts of a very complex structure, each part of which exhibits its own response behaviour. Typical results from vibration measurements carried out above and below spring units are given. The measurements carried out before and during the construction of the hall provide usefil insight into the generation and propagation of railway vibration and noise. Many of the results confirm the predicted effects. However, the measurements also highlighted a number of effects which had not been predicted, the most significant being,
At the end of a building isolation project it is desirable to determine the achieved isolation performance of the chosen isolation system. Unfortunately the isolation performance of a complex building system can not be measured directly. Instead, it must be estimated fi-om comparison of measured and predicted vibration response of accessible parts of the structure. This type of comparison has been carried out on this projects and confirms that the isolation performance achieved is significantly less than that which would be expected from single degree of freedom theory,
The next step in developing the building isolation design was to determine the appropriate type of resilient bearing. Detailed consideration was given to the two primary alternatives; elastomeric pads (which have been used in many isolated building structures) and helical steel springs.
shows the concept design for the vibration isolation, incorporating resilient bearings below the whole building. The main heating, cooling and ventilation plant is located in a separate building as part of the strategy for controlling noise ingress to the auditorium. The plant tower building is the only part of the complex which is not isolated from the ground. Consequently, all service connections between the plant tower and the concert hall building required resilient connection details such as those.
Although the auditorium is the only acoustically critical space requiring protection from railway vibration, it was decided that the whole building should be isolated, rather than just the hall. Experience from previous structural isolation projects had indicated that internal resilient joints between isolated and non-isolated parts.
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