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HillCare Scientific Lab  was the first one obtained. Lord Rayleigh, an English scientist, while engaged in determining the exact weights of various gases, observed that the nitrogen obtained from the air is slightly heavier than pure nitrogen obtained from its compounds. After repeating his experiments many times, always with the same results, Rayleigh finally concluded that the nitrogen which he had obtained from the air was not pure, but was mixed with a small amount of some unknown gas, Acting on this assumption, Rayleigh, together with the English chemist Ramsay. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in vadodara

attempted to separate the nitrogen from the unknown gas. Knowing that nitrogen would combine with magnesium, they passed the nitrogen obtained from the air and freed from all known substances through tubes containing magnesium heated to the necessary temperature. After repeating this operation, they finally succeeded in obtaining from the atmospheric nitrogen a small volume of gas which would not combine with magnesium and hence could not be nitrogen. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in vadodara

After repeating this operation, they finally succeeded in obtaining from the atmospheric nitrogen a small volume of gas which would not combine with magnesium and hence could not be nitrogen. This proved to be a new element, to which they gave the name argon. As predicted, this new element was found to be heavier than nitrogen, its density as compared with hydrogen as a standard being approximately. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in vadodara

atmospheric nitrogen proved to be argon. The new element is characterized by having no affinity for other elements. Even under the most favorable conditions it has not been made to combine with any other element. On this account it was given the name argon, signifying lazy or idle. Like nitrogen, it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It has been liquefied and solidified. Its boiling point. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in vadodara

Helium was first found in the gases expelled from certain minerals by heating. Through the agency of the spectroscope it had been known to exist in the sun long before its presence on the earth had been demonstrated,—a fact suggested by the name helium, signifying the sun. Its existence in traces in the atmosphere has also been proven. It was first liquefied by Onnes in July, Its boiling point, namely, is the lowest temperature yet reached. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in baroda

The remaining elements of this group neon, krypton, and xenon have been obtained from liquid air. When liquid air is allowed to boil, the constituents which are the most difficult to liquefy, and which therefore have the lowest boiling points, vaporize first, followed by the others in the order of theirboiling points. It is possible in this way to make at least a partial separation of the air into its constituents, and Ramsay thus succeeded in obtaining from liquid air not only the known constituents, including argon and helium, we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in baroda

but also the new elements, neon, krypton, and xenon. These elements, as well as helium, all proved to be similar to argon in that they are without chemical activity, apparently we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in baroda The percentages present in the air are very small. The names, neon, krypton, xenon, signify respectively, new, hidden, stranger. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in baroda

The term atmosphere is applied to the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth. The term air is generally applied to a limited portion of this envelope, although the two words are often used interchangeably. Many references have already been made to the composition and properties of the atmosphere. These statements must now be collected and discussed somewhat more in detail. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in gujarat

Like water, air was at first regarded as elementary in character. Near the close of the eighteenth century Scheele, Priestley, and Lavoisier showed by their experiments that it is a mixture of atleast two gases,—those which we now call oxygen and nitrogen. By burning substances in an inclosed volume of air and noting the contraction in volume due to the removal of the oxygen, they were able to determine with some accuracy the relative volumes of oxygen and nitrogen present in the air. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in gujarat

The constituents of the atmosphere may be divided into two general groups: those which are essential to life and those which are not essential. The constituents of the atmosphere may be divided into two general groups: those which are essential to life and those which are not essential. The constituents of the atmosphere may be divided into two general groups: those which are essential to life and those which are not essential. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in gujarat

Its properties will be discussed in detail in the chapter on the compounds of carbon. Its presence in the air may be shown by causing the air to bubble through a solution of calcium hydroxide, commonly called lime water. The carbon dioxide combines with the calcium hydroxide in accordance with the following equation,  The presence of water vapor is readily shown by its condensation on cold objects as well as by the fact that a bit of calcium chloride when exposed to the air becomes moist, and may even dissolve in the water absorbed from the air. we are expert in laboratory reagent rack manufacturers in gujarat

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