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HillCare Scientific Lab of the elements occur as uncombined substances in nature, most of them being found in the form of chemical compounds. When an element does occur by itself, as is the case with gold, we say that it occurs in the free state or native; when it is combined with other substances in the form of compounds, we say that it occurs in the combined state, or in combination. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in coimbatore
In the latter case there is usually little about the compound to suggest that the element is present in it; for we have seen that elements lose their own peculiar properties when they enter into combination with other elements. It would never be suspected, for example, we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in rajkot
The names given to the elements have been selected in a great many different ways. Some names are very old and their original meaning is obscure. Such names are iron, gold, and copper. Many names indicate some striking physical property of the element. The name bromine, for example, is derived from a Greek word meaning a stench, referring to the extremely unpleasant odor of the substance. The name iodine comes from aword meaning violet, alluding to the beautiful color of iodine vapor. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in rajkot
Thus, nitrogen means the producer of niter, nitrogen being a constituent of niter or saltpeter. Hydrogen means water former, signifying its presence in water. Argon means lazy or inert, the element being so named because of its inactivity. Other elements are named from countries or localities, as germanium and scandium. Thus, nitrogen means the producer of niter, nitrogen being a constituent of niter or saltpeter. Hydrogen means water former, signifying its presence in water. Argon means lazy or inert, the element being so named because of its inactivity, we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in rajkot..
The agency which causes substances to combine and which holds them together when combined is called chemical affinity. The experiments described in this chapter, however, show that heat is often necessary to bring about chemical action. The distinction between the cause producing chemical action and the circumstances favoring it must be clearly made. Chemical affinity is always the cause of chemical union. Many agencies may make it possible for chemical affinity to act by overcoming circumstances which stand in its way. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in rajkot
As a rule, solution also promotes action between two substances. Sometimes these agencies may overcome chemical attraction and so occasion the decomposition of a compound. To what class of changes do the following belong The melting of ice; the souring of milk; the burning of a candle; the explosion of gunpowder; the corrosion of metals. What test question must be applied in each of the above cases. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in kolkata.
HillCare Scientific Lab of oxygen is generally attributed to the English chemist Priestley, who in obtained the element by heating a compound of mercury and oxygen, known as red oxide of mercury. It is probable, however, that the Swedish chemist Scheele had previously obtained it, although an account of his experiments was not published until. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in coimbatore
The name oxygen signifies acid former. It was given to the element by the French chemist Lavoisier, since he believed that all acids owe their characteristic properties to the presence of oxygen. This view we now know to be incorrect.we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in kolkata.
Oxygen is by far the most abundant of all the elements. It occurs both in the free and in the combined state. In the free state it occurs in the air, volumes of dry air containing about volumes of oxygen. In the combined state it forms eight ninths of water and nearly one half of the rocks composing the earth’s crust. It is also an important constituent of the compounds which compose plant and animal tissues; for example, about by weight of the human body is oxygen. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in kolkata.
Although oxygen occurs in the free state in the atmosphere, its separation from the nitrogen and other gases with which it is mixed is such a difficult matter that in the laboratory lab furniture manufacturers in india found more convenient to prepare it from its compounds. The most important of the laboratory methods are the following, Preparation from water. Water is a compound, consisting of hydrogen and oxygen. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in kolkata.
It is easily separated into these constituents by passing an electric current through it under suitable conditions. The process will be described in the chapter on water. While this method of preparation is a simple one, it is not economical. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in coimbatore
Preparation from mercuric oxide. This method is of interest, since it is the one which led to the discovery of oxygen. The oxide, which consists of oxygen and mercury, is placed in a small, glass test tube and heated. The compound is in this way decomposed into mercury which collects on the sides of the glass tube, forming a silvery mirror, and oxygen which, being a gas, escapes from the tube. The presence of the oxygen is shown by lighting the end of a splint, extinguishing the flame and bringing the glowing coal into the mouth of the tube. The oxygen causes the glowing coal to burst into a flame. we are expert in lab furniture manufacturers in coimbatore
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